Seabreeze High School Dancers
Seabreeze High School2700 N Oleander Avenue Daytona Beach, Florida 32118-3115 Add A Logo for Seabreeze High School![]() Add A Schedule for a Seabreeze High School TeamComing Soon! |
High School AthletesVolleyball (3 Athletes) Football (3 Athletes) Tennis (2 Athletes) Soccer (1 Athlete) Swimming (1 Athlete) Track & Field (1 Athlete) Softball (1 Athlete)
MonsterPreps provides free college recruiting services for high school students looking to be recruited by colleges. Did you know...Only about 2% of high school athletes receive athletic scholarships, but every year over $1.5 billion in scholarship money is awarded to high school athletes. Wanna Learn More? |
Baseball | Basketball | Cheerleading | Cross Country | Dance | Diving | Field Hockey | Football | Golf | Gymnastics | Hockey | Lacrosse | Rowing | Soccer | Softball | Swimming | Tennis | Track & Field | Volleyball | Water Polo | Wrestling |