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Nijhal Owens - Swimmer

Nijhal Owens

Rockdale County High School Swimming
Conyers, Georgia

Single Sport High School Athlete
A little bit about Nijhal...
26-Year-Old Grad.     0'5"    155 lbs.

Nijhal Owens's High School Swimming Stats and Info

High School Swimming Info

Years Playing:1 years

General Swimming Information

I never swam competitively until my Junior year in high school. I feel that I hold a lot of potential and am a very hard working swimmer that is dedicated to success.

Junior Swimming Stats and Info

General Junior Swimming Info

I started my swimming career swimming a 32.68. By the time the third meet came I had taken a Veteran Junior swimmers position on our A-Relay Team. My relay went to state and I swam my fastest time of a 24.28 there.

Junior Swimming Stats

100 Meter: 59.94
50 Meter: 24.28