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Ermintano Hummingbird - Red Mesa High School Athlete

Ermintano Hummingbird

Red Mesa High School
Rock Point, Arizona

Double Sport High School Athlete
A little bit about Ermintano...
27-Year-Old Grad.     5'4"    148 lbs.

About Ermintano Hummingbird

Ermintano is a 27-Year-Old Grad. at Red Mesa High School in Teec Nos Pos., Arizona. He is a multi-sport athlete who participates in Basketball and Football.

i love playin football an sometimes basketball

Physical Attributes

Ermintano's Physique

Weight:148 lbs.
Dominant Arm:Right
Dominant Leg:Both

Ermintano's Speed and Strength

Bench Press:90 lbs.
Squat:175 lbs.
Mile Time:4mins 23se
40-Yard Dash Time:8.76 seconds

College Information

Ermintano's Colleges of Interest

1.)  Arizona State University
2.)  Florida College
3.)  Hawaii Pacific University

Ermintano's Majors of Interest

1.)  Computer and Information Sciences
2.)  History
3.)  Parks, Recreation, Leisure and Fitness Studies