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Chelsea Prichett - William Tennent High School Athlete

Chelsea Prichett

A little bit about Chelsea...
33-Year-Old Grad.     5'6"    115 lbs.

About Chelsea Prichett

Chelsea is a 33-Year-Old Grad. at William Tennent High School in Warminster, Pennsylvania. She currently focuses on one sport, Field Hockey.

Keystone state games 2008
Futures 2009 also chosen for 2010
National Festival California 2008 & 2009 (Viper Team)
Viper team indoor NIT qualifier
2008 Honorable mention SOL
2009 SOL Team 2
Highest goal score on the team 2008 and 2009
Most points for goals and assist
Best reverse stick

Physical Attributes

Chelsea's Physique

Weight:115 lbs.

College Information

Chelsea's Colleges of Interest

1.)  The University of Texas at Arlington
2.)  Southern Utah University

Chelsea's Majors of Interest

1.)  Education

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