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Chelsea Frye - Loretto High School Athlete

Chelsea Frye

Loretto High School
loretto, Tennessee

Single Sport High School Athlete
A little bit about Chelsea...
28-Year-Old Grad.     5'4"    125 lbs.

About Chelsea Frye

Chelsea is a 28-Year-Old Grad. at Loretto High School in Loretto, Tennessee. She currently focuses on one sport, Softball.

i played softball my freshman year for LHS, and because of political things i did not make it my sophomore year.

Physical Attributes

Chelsea's Physique

Weight:125 lbs.
Dominant Arm:Both
Dominant Leg:Left

Chelsea's Speed and Strength

Mile Time:7

College Information

Chelsea's Colleges of Interest

1.)  Alabama State University
2.)  Martin Methodist College
3.)  Trevecca Nazarene University

Chelsea's Majors of Interest

1.)  Parks, Recreation, Leisure and Fitness Studies
2.)  Psychology
3.)  Security and Protective Services