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Bryce Winters - Football Player

Bryce Winters

Jesup High School Football
Jesup, Iowa

Single Sport High School Athlete
A little bit about Bryce...
26-Year-Old Grad.     6'0"    235 lbs.

Bryce Winters's High School Football Stats and Info

High School Football Info

Position(s):DL / OL
Jersey Number:64
Years Playing:10 years
Coach's Name:Jason Sullivan
Coach's Phone:Log in to view
Coach's Email:Log in to view

Club Football Info

Jersey Number:74
Coach's Name:Shefield
Coach's Phone:Log in to view

General Football Information

1st Team All-State offense for the class of 2017
1st Team All-District
I have always strived to be the best I can be while striving to improve others as well, not just on the football field, but in the classroom as well. I have participated in football, wrestling, and track for many years of my life. While participating in multiple sports, football has grown on me the most and I have developed an unexplainable love for the game and my teammates. While participating in sports, I have always maintained my grades and also improved as a student, not just an athlete. I have strived for a GPA higher than 3.5 and have met that goal every year of school, making the honor roll every semester.
My freshman and sophomore year I started varsity playing both ways. Sophomore year I was elected team captain and will be captain again my junior year of high school and I made first team all-district while also making first team all-state for the sophomore class. I work hard in the off-season and out of the classroom with others to improve myself, but more importantly, my team. My goal is to go to college and play football at the collegiate level and receive an excellent education. I am not sure where football will take me, but one thing I do know is that with my hard work, intelligence, and self-discipline I know I will play somewhere.
Thank you,
Bryce Winters #64

Junior Football Stats and Info

General Junior Football Info

Individual Awards

Team Captain, Golden Award All DIstrict,1st Team All District Academic,