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noah clark - Southampton High School Athlete

noah clark

Southampton High School
ivor, Virginia

Triple Sport High School Athlete
A little bit about noah...
24-Year-Old Grad.     6'3"    224 lbs.

About noah clark

noah is a 24-Year-Old Grad. at Southampton High School in Courtland, Virginia. He is a multi-sport athlete who participates in Football, Soccer and Wrestling.

I have been playing football for 8 years soon to be 9. I have played football in Virginia and Florida. i started as a kid playing flag football and this upcoming year (2015-2016) ill be a Sophomore. I take almost all advanced Classes. I play everything on offence and defensive line but this upcoming season due to my height and weight, I will be playing either fullback or tightend. I also wrestle and play soccer

Physical Attributes

noah's Physique

Weight:224 lbs.
Dominant Arm:Right
Dominant Leg:Ambidextrous

noah's Speed and Strength

Mile Time:unknown
40-Yard Dash Time:unknown seconds

College Information

noah's Colleges of Interest

1.)  Florida State University
2.)  Old Dominion University
3.)  Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

noah's Majors of Interest

1.)  Other
2.)  Parks, Recreation, Leisure and Fitness Studies
3.)  Security and Protective Services