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Donta' Allen - Southeast Guilford High School Athlete

Donta' Allen

A little bit about Donta'...
31-Year-Old Grad.     5'9"    155 lbs.

About Donta' Allen

Donta' is a 31-Year-Old Grad. at Southeast Guilford High School in Greensboro, North Carolina. He is a multi-sport athlete who participates in Football and Track & Field.

Physical Attributes

Donta''s Physique

Weight:155 lbs.
Dominant Arm:Right
Dominant Leg:Both

Donta''s Speed and Strength

Bench Press:195 lbs.
Squat:410 lbs.
Mile Time:NA
40-Yard Dash Time:4.67 seconds

College Information

Donta''s Colleges of Interest

1.)  Alabama State University
2.)  Presbyterian College
3.)  University of South Dakota

Donta''s Majors of Interest

1.)  Business Management and Marketing
2.)  Engineering
3.)  Engineering Technologies/Technicians