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Brandon Norris: Vote Newt Gingrich not Romney or Obama

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Added by:Brandon Norris
Added on:01/12/2013

Athlete Info

Name:Brandon Norris
School:Kinder High School
Location:Kinder, LA
Weight:155 lbs.

Video Description


We need a President who has enough experience to get our country back on the right track. We have moved from being a free country to a country dependent on the Government. We all know Newt Gingrich has made some mistakes in his life but he has learned from those lessons in life. He is the only Republican candidate who has a real chance of beating Obama. If you chose anyone else you are wasting your vote. DO YOU WANT ANOTHER 4 YEARS OF OBAMA? Then you need to get on board the Newt train. He can fix the wrongs in our great country.

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